Developer of unique projects on the Moscow real estate market.

October Group

The name ОСТОВЕR* relays the idea of constant renewal, the ideal completeness of development cycles, from concept to filigree embodiment, which initiate new cycles of changes in people's lives and the urban environment. * lat. "octo" – eight

Renewal and perfect completion

Our principles

Company Mission


The company's mission is to create harmonious, intelligent and well-designed spaces that contribute to a uniquely fulfilling experience to a person's life. The company's projects can give their residents unique impressions every day thanks to the use of innovative technologies.

Our Focus:

Implementation of multifunctional and integrated residential and commercial real estate projects in the business and premium classes. The company's founders have a unique and extensive experience in implementing projects of various levels of complexity and have been top-level executives at leading companies in the investment and construction segment of the Russian market.

Our values:

Through our values, OCTOBER GROUP projects become more than just living spaces. These are fascinating scenarios, unique experiences, life routes that you can go through every day, experiencing them in a new way. Each of our projects begins as a journey where we discover a new world that can be a new beginning for our clients.


projects in progress



About the Company

3 000 000+


sq.m residential and commercial real estate projects completed

Under the leadership of the company's founders, more than 3 million m2 of landmark and innovative residential and commercial real estate projects have been built within the largest development companies in Russia.

years of professional experience of the founders

Our partners include Russian and global leaders in consulting, architecture, design, financing and construction.



Home Is Like A Journey

Business-class clubhouse with premium options in Ramenki. Enclosed courtyard, walkable roof, apartments with terrace, Live & Work concept. Architectural project by the Japanese bureau Nikken Sekkei.




Group Principles

It is important for us to look ahead, analyze customer requests and the market, implement new solutions in our business and premium class projects, and make them unique. Smart technologies allow shortening the project life-cycle from conception to the arrival of the first residents without losing the quality of the final product.

8 Principles

Our principles


The Team

We strive to create favorable conditions for the work and development of our employees, because we know for sure that their diligence, professionalism and dedication help us to achieve the highest results. Every employee is important to achieve the common goal, and we are proud of our team.

Marina Malovik

Co-founder and First Deputy CEO

Having visited more than 100 countries, I still think Russia is the most beautiful. Our company strives to bring to life in Russia the best development projects in the world by incorporating and surpassing international standards. Our goal is to lead in the uniqueness and quality of the projects we implement.

Natalia Kholopova

and CEO

For me, mission means creating something you can be proud of, bringing together talented people and building something that can make a real difference in the lives of those around you.

Andrey Tyutchenko

Co-founder and First Deputy CEO

Gaining new knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as expanding life horizons is what I value most in life. I believe that constant learning and development is essential to achieving success and living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Yuri Kogan

Commercial Director

Only those who dare to do great things can know how far they can go.

Maxim Ivanov

Sales Director

I am inspired to lead my team to new results, overcome new challenges together and create outstanding and high-quality projects for people.

Maria Lapina

HR Director

Movement and development are the core and foundation of any sphere of life for me. Each person is unique and certainly talented, through knowledge and experience comes mastery, interest in new things and efforts give development, personal responsibility guarantees the result, passion and interest lead to success. A company that unites such personalities into a team will conquer any, the most difficult and highest peaks.

Yulia Leonova

Marketing Director

The true happiness of everyday activity is to create projects, implement ideas and inspire yourself and others, bringing benefit and moving forward towards common progress.



Financial Partner

DOM RF Bank is a leading financial institution in the housing construction industry. The main activity is lending to developers with escrow accounts, which guarantees continuous financing of construction at all stages.

Architectural Bureau

Nikken Sekkei is one of the largest and most successful architectural companies in the world. A unique combination of modern design, elements of classical Japanese architecture and advanced technologies – over its 124-year history, the archbureau has implemented more than 20,000 projects in 40 countries around the world.

Co-exclusive Broker

Metrium is a brokerage and consulting firm that has been operating on the market since 2012. The company is a market leader in sales of new buildings and one of the leading consultants in the residential real estate segment.

General Contractor

SU-10 Group of Companies is a leading and one of the largest enterprises in the construction industry. The company has more than 20 years of experience and specializes in the sales on the Russian monolithic housing construction market.

General Designer

Metropolis Group of Companies is a company specializing in the conceptual design of civil engineering projects and industrial buildings using unique information modeling technologies. With over 19 years of operation, the company has implemented more than 600 projects.

General Designer

OLIMPROEKT Group is a headliner in the sector of construction design in Russia. Over 17 years of operation, 4 million square meters of our projects have been implemented, 8 million sq meters are at the design stage, and 60 projects are under construction.

Technical Customer

SEVERIN DEVELOPMENT is an independent engineering firm and a technology leader in the industry. 20 years of work, 500 projects – the company effectively solves challenging engineering, technical and technological tasks.

Design of Public Areas

GAFA Architects is an architectural design studio which for over 10 years has been committed to make cities multifaceted and sustainable through a synthesis of architectural, economic, environmental and social objectives. The bureau works globally on city master plans, with an emphasis on the improvement of public spaces and the adaptation of architectural concepts.

Design of Public Areas

Oleg Klodt Architecture & Design is an architectural firm founded in 2000 with a portfolio that includes dozens of projects for private residences and apartments, as well as interiors of hotels, restaurants and shops around the world. The style is diverse, but remains consistent and noble, laconic and traditional.

Design of Public Areas

The UNK project is a part of the UNK ecosystem, which is designed to accompany the customer at all stages of the project from concept to its full completion. Since 2000, the company has been a leader in designing commercially viable products.

Design of Public Areas

Syntaxis Architectural Bureau is a market leader with more than 130 projects in its portfolio. A group of professionals who create accessible architectural spaces that are comfortable and functional, while also offering vibrant and impressive environments for people's lives.


Nikoliers is an expert company that has been providing a full range of consulting services in residential and commercial real estate for 30 years whose expertise is based on many years of domestic and international experience.


NF GROUP is one of the major players in the commercial and luxury residential real estate market, the successor to the Russian business Knight Frank (founded in London in 1896). The company's consultants provide a full range of services to participants in the Russian and international real estate markets.



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